The Quilting Circle

Quilts that warm our hearts

Beauty and the Beast. This was a fun quilt to make. It went to a very special young woman.

For the Dallas Cowboys fans out there. This one went to our Family Reunion auction. Every year we have about 250 people showing up for this reunion. It is so much fun. I wish I could go every year.

Wonders of Nature

Good bye bee tree

Where I live is always windy which makes the hot summers of Texas bearable but the winters pretty chilly. Sometimes we experience majestic storms and pretty powerful winds. In the snowmagedom of 2020, my beautiful Basswood tree half died. We used to called it the bee tree because our bees loved this tree. Twice a year the tree flowered and the bees went nuts on it. They loved it so much that we could hear the little bees from my kitchen door. Thousands of them. On those times, the tree sounded as if it was alive with a thousands volts of electricity running through its branches. It was a site to behold. The following year we saw it shooting new saplings around my yard, five of them to be more exact, in all different places. A year later it finally died. This year, we had a big wind and it tumbled my huge tree. Oh well, it was time to cut it down anyway, the wind just did us a favor. We will now uproot one of the saplings and planted it in the place of the old bee tree. I will love to hear the bees on it again in a couple of years.

Afternoon wonderings


Wimberley is a cool small town, lots to do there. We decided to go to the Wooden Spoon to get some frozen yogurt by the ounce. It is so pretty.

“Cypress Creek, another major tributary, rises from Jacob’s Well and flows into the Blanco River at Wimberley.” (

I just thought that these flowers were beautiful.

We had a great afternoon there. I will post more pictures of the place we went. If you would like to know more about those places, please visit the web sites bellow.

  1. City of Wimberley –
  2. The Wooden Spoon –
  3. Cypress Creek –,the%20Devil’s%20Backbone%20near%20Wimberley.
Road Trip

Historic Goliad

Mission Espíritu Santo: A mission for the Aranamas

“Originally established near present Matagorda Bay, Mission Nuestra Señora del Espíritu Santo de Zuñiga was moved to this San Antonio River location in 1749. Here, for more than 70 years, the Franciscan missionaries taught the native Aranama peoples the religious principles and craft skills they needed to become good Spanish citizens on the remote northern frontier. The immense herds of cattle that supported the mission population became the foundation for the ranching industry of modern Texas.

Mission Espíritu Santo officially became a secular church in 1830 and for a time was the site of Aranama College. The buildings gradually fell into disuse, and people in Goliad used the stones for buildings in town. During the 1930s, craftsmen in the Work Projects Administration and the Civilian Conservation Corps programs reconstructed de mission chapel, granary and workshop buildings.” (Credit to Goliad State Park

This tree was buzzing with thousands of bees. It was fun standing under it and hearing their busy wings going from one flower to the next.

This is the church and courtyard.

I love to see the carvings and motif used on this door.

Many prayers were sent upwards to heaven from this little candles.

Muitas orações subiram ao céu destas velinhas.

Baptismal fount. Fonte batismal.

The altar. O altar.

A vida na missão.

Parque estadual de Goliad.